Four years ago this week, the Equine Law Blog was born. This blog has “grown up” and evolved a lot since February 2008. But if I did one thing consistently, I hope it was to provide Texas horse owners with useful insights on noteworthy legal issues and developments.
The Equine Law Blog won its first award last year (ABA Top 100 Blawgs). I was very pleased and surprised by this distinction, especially given the high quality of the other blogs on the ABA list. And (also surprisingly), this little ol’ blog has been viewed somewhere over 171,000 times since its inception.
But to be honest, what I like most about doing this blog is receiving comments from readers who find the blog interesting or helpful.
If you have not posted a comment in the past, I’d be very pleased it if you would send me an email to let me know one thing you like or dislike about this blog. Or let me know a topic you’d like for me to cover in the future. (But please don’t post a comment or send a message seeking legal advice or asking specific questions. I cannot answer due to ethics rules).
You can also join my Facebook group and provide some feedback there.
In case you were curious, the following were the top 5 posts of the past year, based on number of page visits (in no particular order):
1) Obama Lifts Horse Slaughter Ban–PETA Says It’s A Good Idea
2) Can Jaci Rae Jackson Be Hanged for Horse Theft?
3) New Requirement for Texas Sales Tax Exemption Number May Affect Horse Businesses
4) DOT Says it Will Not Adopt Regulation Requiring CDL for Farmers & Ranchers
5) Time to Get New Warning Signs: Equine Activity Act Amended in 2011
Thank you for your loyal readership of this blog! I’m looking forward to an exciting fifth year.