Good morning, dear Equine Law Blog readers. The ABA Journal is compiling its annual list of the 100 best law blogs (i.e. “blawgs”), and is seeking nominations for 2012. I was so pleased that the Equine Law Blog was included on the ABA’s 2011 list. Thanks so much to everyone who nominated and/or voted for
Blawg 100
Equine Law Blog Included Among ABA Journal Top 100 Blawgs
By Alison Rowe on
Posted in Uncategorized
I am so excited, y’all! Yesterday, the ABA Journal released its 2011 list of the 100 best law blogs (“blawgs”), and the Equine Law Blog was included on the list. I am so happy and honored that this blog was selected from over 1,300 worthy nominees. Thanks to the readers who make this blog possible and worthwhile. Thanks…
Bleg: ABA Best 100 Law Blogs Seeks Nominations
By Alison Rowe on
Posted in Uncategorized
A shameless bleg: but I will be brief.
The ABA Journal is compiling its annual list of the 100 best law blogs (i.e. “Blawgs”) and is seeking nominations for 2011. Inclusion on the list is prestigious and is something that most prolific law bloggers (myself included) hope to achieve.
If you like the Equine Law Blog, and …