We’ve all heard accounts that horse thieves have, in the past, been sentenced to death by courts in Texas or legally hanged by vigilantes. The demise of Jake and his compatriots in the movie Lonesome Dove is a depiction of one such vigilante hanging in Texas. All kidding aside, verifiable accounts of capital punishment for horse
Texas Penal Code
When is it Legal to Shoot a Trespasser?
By Alison Rowe on
Posted in Private Property Rights
Surprisingly, my 2008 post entitled How to Deal With Trespassers on Your Property has returned more hits than virtually any other single post on the Equine Law Blog. The search terms that usually land people on that post are some variation of “when is it legal for me to shoot a trespasser?” or “shoot + trespasser…
How to Deal with Trespassers on Your Property
By Alison Rowe on
Posted in Private Property Rights
Landowners who run horse businesses on their land often run into situations in which an unwelcome person attempts to come onto their property. Sometimes the unwelcome party is someone who once boarded their horse with the property owner, but no longer has a business relationship with the property owner. In other instances, the trespasser may include…