Auf Wiedersehen und bis bald! 

As you are reading this post, I’m probably at DFW airport getting ready to board a 10 hour Lufthansa flight bound for Deutschland. 

That means that–Lord willing and the creek don’t rise–the Equine Law Blog will be broadcasting live from Germany during the weeks of August 22 and August 29!  


In addition to the terms usually included in a contract to buy a horse, a Purchase and Sale Agreement involving the shipment of a horse to another country should include the following terms:

1)                  Applicable Law: Will your country’s law, or the law of the other party’s country apply to the contract? This is important

Before you buy a horse from someone in another country or sell a horse internationally, you must have the following four items in place to help avoid disputes and headaches:

1)         Written Purchase and Sale Agreement.  An international sale is typically not one where a buyer can show up with a trailer, hand the

If you have exported a horse internationally, you probably already know about the international demand for nice American Quarter Horses bred in the US. If you have not yet sold a horse to an international buyer, you might start looking to the international market for sales possibilities. The AQHA’s international department reported to me today that the